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All About the Criminal Background Check Removal Process

February 12, 2021 Arrest Records | information removal | Mugshot Removal | online privacy | remove mugshot | Uncategorized

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Criminal background checks are standard practice in most job hiring processes, credit checks and home or business loan applications. Life happens sometimes and you may find that you need to secure a criminal background check removal. This is a very real concern for the almost 77 million Americans with some type of criminal record.

DWIs and DUIs

Clients come to us many times inquiring about the length of a DWI or DUI stays on their record. As a broad statement, DWIs and DUIs stay on record indefinitely like most criminal records. Some states consider DWIs and DUIs eligible for record expungement. Other states see DWIs and DUIs as driving and traffic crimes and do not allow expungement.


Similar to DWIs and DUIs, clients often inquire how long a misdemeanor stays on a criminal record. Save for an approved expungement motion, a misdemeanor stays on record indefinitely. States change laws all the time, some states have recently passed legislation about easier sealing of misdemeanors. Our company stays ahead of our competition by always being in the know in the most up-to-date state legislature.


Felonies are more complicated than DWIs, DUIs and misdemeanors when it comes to removal from criminal records. They are not, however, impossible to remove. The removal of a felony offense depends solely on the state legislature and court in question.

Protect Your Privacy

Today if information is desired, a person’s entire existence is just a few clicks and searches away. Data is easily available now more than ever. Searches that used to be reserved for the most experienced IT experts are now available to the general public. A criminal background check is considered standard with almost all job applications in the United States.

Take Back Control of Your Life

A criminal background can ruin lives and prevent people from securing stable jobs to better their quality of life. Society often discriminates against those with previous criminal convictions, which further complicates securing any kind of long-term employment. We help clients get a fresh start in life by removing criminal records and cleaning up their online presence.

Client-Focused Services

Our company understands the often unfair discrimination placed upon clients with a criminal past. That is why we work hard to clear criminal records from criminal record databases across the web. We understand that people make mistakes and believe a bad choice should not define the entirety of someone’s life.

Detail Oriented

Our company takes time to treat our clients with empathy and review each case carefully. There are several steps in criminal background check removal, including identifying where those records are.

Online Criminal Background Records Removal

The process for removing online criminal background records begins with a petition for criminal record clearing. Once such a petition is approved, a signed court order is sent to the requestee.

Public Databases

Public databases are much easier to clear criminal records from. Police and government databases refresh automatically to reflect new court orders. Public databases are updated within a 48-hour window from the time of a removal petition approval.

Private Databases

Private databases are a beast of their own. Updates are not instant and can take upwards of a year to reflect granted court order record purges. Private databases are slow at times to enforce criminal background check removals, even if there is a court order in place to do so. [xxx] has services in place to help client records be removed from private databases according to lawfully approved court orders.

Criminal Background Check Removal is Important

Criminal background checks are used for a variety of reasons on a daily basis. A criminal background record removal has to be first approved by a court judge. We help clients remove criminal records by clearing court records from public and private databases online.

The Use of Online Criminal Background Checks

Our clients may need to clear their online criminal records to be able to pass background checks for:

  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Undergraduate or Graduate School Application
  • Home Loans
  • Car Loans
  • Credit Checks
  • Right to Vote
  • Right to Own Firearms

When You Need Criminal Background Check Removal

It’s essential to clear both public and private databases of your record fast. A court may rule that you can seal your criminal record. However, if records remain on a private database, they may be used against you down the line. Our clients can trust us to be thorough so there are no complications during future record checks.

Employer Background Checks

Many of our clients need our criminal background check removal for securing employment. That is on account of the fact that 95% of possible hirings involve background checks of various kinds.

Criminal Background Check Removal and Expungement

What exactly is criminal background check removal? When we remove criminal records from online databases, we erase any trace of what law enforcement and courts already did. The client makes a request for expungement, also known as record sealing.


Expungement involves changing, sealing or destroying a person’s criminal record. This process is different in many states on account of widely varying laws on expungement and record sealing. A criminal record that has been expunged is not able to be accessed by the public. Any client approved for expungement does not have to share past criminal records with future employers, landlords or schools.

Qualified Expungement

One of the first things we do is to see if the client’s criminal record is eligible for removal. Different states have different laws outlining which records may be removed. It’s crucial you know this before taking further action. Working with qualified reputation management professionals helps protect your rights and reputation.

Quick Service

When you can’t expunge a record, don’t fret! There are still ways to remove your criminal profile from more than 40 online criminal databases. In fact, we can remove most records in a matter of weeks! This is because our team has experience and expertise in all matters of criminal background check removal.

100% Guarantee

Our removal services come with a 100% guarantee and affordable pricing, adding the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ve chosen the best. If we cannot remove all traces of criminal records, we have a full money-back guarantee. Our team of experts works hard to remove records fast, ensuring you can move forward with life confidently.

Contact Us Today About Your Criminal Background Check Removal Needs

For more in-depth information and personalized consultation about a criminal background check removal, visit our website or call 844-935-1118. We provide quality, quick and confidential services you can count on. Remove Mugshots is the top expert mugshot removal company, reach out today to see why for yourself.

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